cmode 1 cmode 1 lnkndasq /cmd3 "lnkndasq" subar 4 /cmd3 "subar 2" goout gosacout /cmd3 "goout" /cmd3 "gosacout" addlist '/odisk/gtac/src.list' addlist '/odisk/gtac/source/atnf_psr_updated.list' *** Phasing on phase cal source, replace 'phase_cal' by the name of phase calibrator source *** gts 'phase_cal' sndsacsrc(1,12h) sndsacsrc(1,12h) stabct /(gotosrc 10m 4) strtndas time 2s / -r C09 -s 4 -t 40 stpndas time 2s strtndas time 180s stpndas *** Scan at the target source replace PSR by the source name *** * gts 'PSR' gts 'J0332+5434' sndsacsrc(1,12h) sndsacsrc(1,12h) stabct /(gotosrc 10m 4) strtndasc time 2s */gwbpsr.start dataarea PSR centralfrequency1 centralfrequency2 /gwbpsr.start data4 J0332+5434 400 650 time 45m /gwbpsr.stop stpndasc time 2s ***Details of the observing command ***gwbpsr.start dataarea pulsarname centralfrequency1 centralfrequency2 ***1st entry : data area (e.g. data4) ***2nd entry : pulsar name (e.g. J0332+5434) ***3rd entry : centre frequency (e.g. 400 for band3 using 300-500MHz) ***4th entry : centre frequency (e.g. 650 for band4 using 550-750MHz) ***omit the 4th entry for single frequency observations ***Example : gwbpsr.start data4 J0332+5434 400 /bell end