GTAC Observation Log 1. Date : 09/10/2020 2. Observation Sr. No. : 12503 3. Observer : Nithyanandan Thyagarajan, Nissim Kanekar, Gianni Bernardi 4. Observer\'s Email :,, 5. Project Name : %latex% The low-frequency radio properties of quasars at $z\\\\\\\\ge 6$ 6. Project Code : 38_056 7. Operator(s) : Nilesh, Pramod, Shilpa, Shriram, Surender 8. Command File : /data1/gtac/cmd/38_056/ 9. LTA File : /gsbifrdata1/08oct/38_056_08oct2020_gsb.lta.2, /gsbifrdata1/08oct/38_056_08oct2020_gsb.lta, /gwbifrdata2/08oct/38_056_08oct2020_gwb.lta.2, /gwbifrdata2/08oct/38_056_08oct2020_gwb.lta 10. LogFlag File : ANTENNA SETTINGS : 11. RF Band(MHz) & Solar Attn(dB)- RF1 : 311 MHz ,RF2 : 311 MHz, SA1 : 0 dB, SA2 : 0 dB 12. Ist LO (MHz) & IVth LO (MHz): ILO1 : 260 MHz, ILO2 : 260MHz , IVLO1 : 51 MHz, IVLO2 : 51 MHz 13. IF Attn(dB) , IF BW(MHz) & IF ALC : IF-CH1 : 4+14 dB, 32 MHz,ON, IF-CH2 : 4+14 dB, 32 MHz,ON GSB SETTINGS : 14. GSB Host : gsbm1_shivneri 15. GSB Mode : Realtime 16. GSB LTA : 8 17. GSB CTRL : ONLINE 18. GSB Fstop : ON 19. GAIN EQ : ON 20. Stokes : Total_Intensity 21. Beam - 1 : OFF 22. Beam - 2 : OFF 23. ACQ BW : 33.333333 MHz 24. Final BW : 0 MHz; Step # 0 25. Maximum Channels : 256 26. Channel Numbers : 0:255:1 27. LO5 -1 : 149 28. LO5 -2 : 156 29. Frequency Parameters (TPA) : 311 311 260 260 51 51 30. Integration Time : 16.1061 Sec 31. No of Antennas Working(Fringing) at the beginning :27 32. Name of Non-Working Antennas (with reason for each) : C03 : Mechanical Work. W04 : LMC problem. C14 : MCM-5 time-out. 33. Note for Backup : 34. Start and End Time of Obs.(IST): 08 Oct 2020 21:00:00 - 09 Oct 2020 07:00:00 35. ONLINE Machine : TGC 36. No of Antennas Working(Fringing) at the end :26 37. RFI Status : 38. Comments (During Observations) : gsb_beam2_dataserver,node_34 bandmask,3 gpu_beam4_dataserver,gwbh10 GSB_LTA,8 GPU_FSTOP,1 GPU_PFB,0 GPU_FILRFI,0 GSB_CHAN_NUM,0:511:1 GSB_ACQ_BW,33.333333 GPU_BEAM_1,0:1 GSB_FINAL_BW,0 GPU_PFB_TAPS,16 GSB_ENV,1 gpu_ifr_dataserver,gwbh6 gpu_beam3_dataserver,gwbh9 GPU_CHAN_NUM,0:2047:1 GSB_HOSTS,0 GPU_BEAM_S,0 gsb_ifr_dataserver,gsbm4 GSB_STOKES,2 GPU_DDC,0 GSB_CNTRL,1 GPU_CNTRL,1 gpu_beam2_dataserver,gwbh8 GPU_GAINEQ,1 gsb_beam1_dataserver,node_33 GPU_EDGE_FRQ,0 GSB_BEAM_1,0:1 GPU_BM_INT,8 GSB_BEAM_2,0:1 GPU_BEAM_3,0:1 GPU_BEAM_2,0:4 GSB_FSTOP,1 GPU_CHAN_MAX,2048 GPU_BEAM_4,0:4 corrmask,8 GPU_ENV,1 antennamask,3fffffff GPU_HOSTS,2 GPU_MODE,0 GPU_STOKES,2 GSB_GAINEQ,1 GSB_CD_MODE,0 GSB_CHAN_MAX,512 GPU_TPA,0 GPU_ACQ_BW,200.0000 GPU_LTA,4 GSB_BB_LO,149000000.0:156000000.0 GSB_MODE,0 GPU_FINAL_BW,1 gpu_beam1_dataserver,gwbh7 GPU_BITS,8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20:30:14 : Started scan on 3C48 for ~ 22.0117 min. 20:46:00 : CMC restarted by TGC Team during the observation so correlator owner ship was changed to Operator station 0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20:54:52 : Started scan on 3C48 for ~ 2.95279 min. 21:07:05 : Started command file started. /data1/gtac/cmd/38_056/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From 21:28 to 22:40 : GSB and GWB command file authorization failed in TGC, after permission from TGC team restarted correlator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22:40:04 : Restarted command file. /data1/gtac/cmd/38_056/ 23:00:00 : S04 not tracking properly. 03:30:00 : Source phase cal 2325-121 set for last scan hence skipped. 07:45:00 : Stopped command file. 08:02:00 : Closed observations after a scan on Flux cal for ~ 8 min.