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Data Reduction

The software used for the data analysis is the AIPS (Astronomical Image Processing Software) developed by NRAO, USA. This is one of the standard software used for the radio data analysis. The program gvfits was used for converting the 'lta' (Long Term Accumulation) data (the format of GMRT data) to FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format. FITS is the standard format which can be read in AIPS. Since the data has two different frequencies in two polarization, the program gvfits was run twice to get different FITS files, each for 610 MHz and 235 MHz, for further analysis. For 610 MHz, since the observing bandwidth was 16 MHz, all the 128 channels were selected while for 235 MHz, the observing bandwidth was 6 MHz so first 64 channels were selected while creating FITS files.

Two types of data analysis were required for mapping: $(i)$ off-line data analysis (before and after importing the data into the AIPS), more careful identification of bad data, and $(ii)$ data analysis involving calibration and deconvolution.

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Manisha Jangam 2007-06-19