Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation (JAI) - Special issue on Interference Mitigation Techniques in Radio Astronomy

    JAI published a special issue on interference mitigation techniques in radio astronomy. Through 11 contributed and 2 invited papers, it covered the contemporary research and implementation of radio frequency interference mitigation for different radio telescopes in the world. I was one of the guest editors (lead) for this special issue published in March 2019 (JAI, Vol.8 No.1). Preface from the guest editors and associate editor along with cover page is provided below. The whole issue is available on Special issue on interference mitigation



    Issue Editors:

    Kaushal D. Buch - GMRT, NCRA-TIFR, India
    Jonathon Kocz - Caltech, USA
    Gregory Hellbourg - UC Berkeley, USA
    Urvashi Rau - NRAO, USA
    Albert-Jan Boonstra - ASTRON, Netherlands