Observing Help and Tools for Astronomers
IMPORTANT: Issues with the GMRT central square baselines (23 November 2020).
User Documents
- GMRT : System Parameters and Current Status
- GMRT Observer's Manual
-- Last Updated : 12th August 2015. - Galactic plane observations with uGMRT
- Low Frequency Radio Astronomy
-- Notes from a school on low frequency radio astronomy help at NCRA, Pune from June 21 to July 17, 1999. - Basic Techniques of Radio Astronomy and GMRT
-- Lecture series conducted in GMRT from February - May 2016. - Polarisation observations with GMRT (V2)
- Manual for observations in beam-former mode
- General description of the offline data analysis package for GMRT
- ONLINE RFI excision
- Online catalogue of NCRA
- GMRT Primary Beam Parameters :
- In-field phasing for GMRT : SOP
Preparing for observations
- GTAC Schedule [NCRA] [GMRT]
- White Slot Request [NCRA] [GMRT]
- Source(s) Rise and Set Timings [NCRA] [GMRT]
- Source(s) AZ-EL Position [NCRA] [GMRT], Difference [NCRA] [GMRT]
- Command file Creater (new, 1.5)[NCRA][GMRT]
- Line Observations Frequency Setup (Tune-GWB)[NCRA][GMRT]
- GMRT Exposure Time Calculator [NCRA][GMRT]
- VLA Calibrator Search [NCRA] [GMRT]
- Polarisation Observations SOP
During Observations(Temporarily unavailable)
- Antenna Tracking , TABLE , PLOT
- GWB Corr Bandshapes
- GBMON/gptool and Help/SOP
- Gain-amplitude and Phase (rantsol)
- Visibility - amplitude and phase (xtract)
- Antenna Wind Status
- Satellite Passes
- Walsh modulation status
After Observations
- LTA to FITS conversions
- AIPS help
- White Slot Request
- RFI Counter Analysis Scripts Temporarily unavailable
- GDDP Summary (GMRT Data Diagnostic Package) Temporarily unavailable
- control-room - landline: +91 02132 258324 , email: ctrlgmrt@gmail.com
- gmrtoperations@ncra.tifr.res.in
- snk@gmrt.ncra.tifr.res.in