Backend Group Reports
GMRT Time and Frequency System
Local Oscillator Generation Scheme
ADC Characterization Ver.2
Designing of coherent pocket beamformer on FPGA
Implementation of digital down converter in GPU
Optimization of on-chip memory for coarse delay correction
Digital Noise Source for FPGA
SFP + adapter for ROACH-1 board
Pocket Beamformer memo
Making of a pulsed noise source: Application to check temporal leakage in the GMRT signal chain.
Cost effective Temperature monitoring system for GMRT upgrade
SOP to Control GAB
SOP for GAB Power Equalisation Using Detector
Operating Procedure for running GWB-III
Operating Procedure for running GWB-III- Ver.2
Analysis on GAB Local Oscillator Synthesizer Stability with varying LO Reference Frequencies
Broadband Analog Backend Receiver System for uGMRT
SOP for New GAB monitoring system
Reducing effects of cross talk in a Radio Telescope using Walsh modulation
Isolation performance for 60 to 1 System
Design of Clock and Trigger Signal Distribution Unit for GWB System
Design & Implementation of New FE Parameter Control Unit at Antenna Base
Report on iADC sync input problem